Understanding Fat
It is really important to understand what fat is and for us not to look at it as our enemy. Fat is in effect an organ, recent research shows fat cells are dynamic, complex and influential entities which play an important role in many bodily functions. As an endocrine system healthy lean fat cells actually keep us lean! They regulate our metabolism, our immune system and produce hormones and proteins which are essential in keeping us trim. When a fat cell has become engorged it malfunctions which has a detrimental knock on effect to our health leading many health issues. |
Verjú 'kick-starts' Fat Cells to make us trim
Conventional liposuction is all about removing fat cells to contour the body, but it stops at that. It does not benefit the health of remaining body fat cells to improve their function. In order to be leaner, to stablise glucose, cholesterol and hormone levels we need to 'reset' our adipocytes. Verjú does actually do this by the photo-chemical response it has on fat cells. It goes beyond simply contouring stubborn diet and exercise resistant areas of fat. New pilot studies indicate the Verjú can reduce more harmful visceral fat by up to 12%. No other body contouring device can improve metabolic profiles to improve health. The Verjú facilitates correct adipocyte homeostasis.
Fat Controls Your Brain!!
Fat releases a multitude of hormones to affect mood and hunger. Adipocytes secrete a hormone called Leptin which informs the brain we are full and to stop eating. Unfortunately one of the main reasons we get fat and our diets fail is our built in appetite suppress mechanism breaks down. Enlarged adipocytes constantly send Leptin to the hypothalamus gland which, like an overloaded breaker, switches off and stops responding to the signal so we never get the message to stop eating hence the bigger we get. Emptying out a fat cell in effect re-programmed to secrete normal levels of Leptin for the brain to tell us we are full. The cycle of over-eating is broken and weight begins to come off. Simple!
Fat Cells and Type 2 Diabetes
Another important hormone in the story of keeping healthy and trim is Adiponectin. Secreted by lean fat cells it aids the liver in processing or removing fat and toxins, triggering muscles to utilise insulin and keep blood sugars down. Engorged fat cells don't produce enough Adiponectin therefor the liver becomes less efficient, muscles don't use up glucose for energy resulting in more fat being stored and an increase in blood pressure. As well as Leptin and Adiponectin levels being affected, there are alos other hormones which regulate the immune system, control fatty acid and cholesterol production. When fat cells are not functioning correctly there can be a surplus of these hormones leading to high cholesterol, heart disease and insulin resistance resulting in types 2 diabetes. Essentially the Verju will 'reset' fat cells to get them to rebalance metabolic processes' to improve health.
Why Choose the Verju over other body contouring modalities?
Simply by sucking out or breaking down a few fat cells will not effect change. The fat as a whole organ needs to be addressed to initiate real health benefits. Verju low level laser treatments have a big advantage over body contouring systems e.g. radiofrequency, ultrasound because of its direct photobiological influence on cells. Fat cells communicate to each other through a series of neuro connections. Whilst other treatments will only treat targeted areas, the impact of laser photochemistry goes further to reach a wider area, as there is a cascading communication effect from one fat cell to another. Clinical trials have demonstrated the paracrine effect, whereby one side of the body was lasered, but those fat cells on the other side started to emulsify. There is a cumulative effect throughout the body so the fat acts as a whole as a healthier organ to promote weight loss and improve health.
Other body contouring technologies only treat targeted fat cells in isolation whilst Verju treats the fat cells as part of a bigger endocrine system.
Important Facts to Note:
Leaner fat cells are now permeable once again, not stuffed together like compacted lard, so when the body needs to access free fatty acids and glycerol for energy it can, as now the transfer from the fat cells is restored. Previously the body struggled to reach the stored triglycerides so there would be a natural propensity to crave sugary foods and carbohydrates, and have toxic headaches and feel generally lethargic. This new healthier status quo will be long lasting, so weight will continue to drop off or stabilise with healthy eating habits.
Another very important fact to appreciate about body contouring is when fat cells are damaged or permanently removed, body shape or cellulite can in the long run be potentially worse in appearance, as when weight is gained it will get stored elsewhere, causing irregularities. Statistics show that within the first year, the fat cells will regenerate or grow larger in new areas of your body, such as the arms and back, to compensate for what was taken. Fat will then start to regenerate in the treated areas within 4-5 years. The latest research shows these fat cells can multiply up to 300 billion times, shattering the previous notion that fat cells could only grow larger. Verjú does not harm fat cells so this risk is minimised.
Is a Verju treatment dangerous?
The process of biomodulation releasing triglycerides from fat cells into the blood stream is safe. It does not dangerously raise blood lipid levels or overload the liver. This has been clinically proven with patients having blood tests after being treated with Verju. The amount of triglycerides released from a fat cell is actually quite small in volume, being approximately less than 20% in weight of the fat cell. It also seeps out slowly over a period of 72 hours until the cell's transitory pore closes up. An Erchonia Serum Chemistry 2010 Safety Study concluded "no elevation in serum lipid chemistry".The post-procedure mmol/L elevation was miniscule. The photochemical response stimulated at a cellular level by the light energy is akin to taking a drug like a statin. There is ongoing research that demonstrates the process of cholesteralgenesis is inhibited.
It is important to note that patient selection is key to deciding on a treatment programme. An individual who has a metabolic disorder will obviously find it harder to process the released triglycerides. A thorough consultation process is essential.
The depth of absorption and penetration of the 532nm wavelength
Many other body contouring device manufacturers dispute that a 532nm low level wavelength is powerful enough to be penetrate and be absorbed into subcutaneous adipoctes to effect a change? This is simply not true. It is really important to know that a 532nm wavelength is readily absorbed into a cell to stimulate a photochemical reaction, whilst higher wavelengths above 660nm are not. They will require more power to achieve a result and consequently there is an increased risk of thermal heat being generated and adverse effects. The Verju only requires 17.5mW and 0.95 J/cm2 to initiate a transitory pore in the cell's membrane, hence it makes it so safe. The Verju can easily penetrate to a depth of 4.5cm, and a fat cell liberation can be instigated after just a mere 6 minutes!
Treatment Overview
It can now be appreciated that in comparison to other non-invasive body contouring treatments laser photochemistry has far reaching health benefits on the body. It can help to 'kick-start' weight loss programmes and improve health. Appetite is regulated, correct insulin levels and cholesterol levels are restored. The Verju can reduce visceral fat mass, and improve metabolic profiles unlike any other body contouring device. These are the effects that cannot be seen, but the ones that can are significant overall inch loss and tighter smoother skin. Laser energy has long been demonstrated to tighten up skin. Research has shown skin thickness and elasticity can be increased by up to 25% (Cellulaze). The Verjú in affect can achieve 3 things:
Conventional liposuction is all about removing fat cells to contour the body, but it stops at that. It does not benefit the health of remaining body fat cells to improve their function. In order to be leaner, to stablise glucose, cholesterol and hormone levels we need to 'reset' our adipocytes. Verjú does actually do this by the photo-chemical response it has on fat cells. It goes beyond simply contouring stubborn diet and exercise resistant areas of fat. New pilot studies indicate the Verjú can reduce more harmful visceral fat by up to 12%. No other body contouring device can improve metabolic profiles to improve health. The Verjú facilitates correct adipocyte homeostasis.
Fat Controls Your Brain!!
Fat releases a multitude of hormones to affect mood and hunger. Adipocytes secrete a hormone called Leptin which informs the brain we are full and to stop eating. Unfortunately one of the main reasons we get fat and our diets fail is our built in appetite suppress mechanism breaks down. Enlarged adipocytes constantly send Leptin to the hypothalamus gland which, like an overloaded breaker, switches off and stops responding to the signal so we never get the message to stop eating hence the bigger we get. Emptying out a fat cell in effect re-programmed to secrete normal levels of Leptin for the brain to tell us we are full. The cycle of over-eating is broken and weight begins to come off. Simple!
Fat Cells and Type 2 Diabetes
Another important hormone in the story of keeping healthy and trim is Adiponectin. Secreted by lean fat cells it aids the liver in processing or removing fat and toxins, triggering muscles to utilise insulin and keep blood sugars down. Engorged fat cells don't produce enough Adiponectin therefor the liver becomes less efficient, muscles don't use up glucose for energy resulting in more fat being stored and an increase in blood pressure. As well as Leptin and Adiponectin levels being affected, there are alos other hormones which regulate the immune system, control fatty acid and cholesterol production. When fat cells are not functioning correctly there can be a surplus of these hormones leading to high cholesterol, heart disease and insulin resistance resulting in types 2 diabetes. Essentially the Verju will 'reset' fat cells to get them to rebalance metabolic processes' to improve health.
Why Choose the Verju over other body contouring modalities?
Simply by sucking out or breaking down a few fat cells will not effect change. The fat as a whole organ needs to be addressed to initiate real health benefits. Verju low level laser treatments have a big advantage over body contouring systems e.g. radiofrequency, ultrasound because of its direct photobiological influence on cells. Fat cells communicate to each other through a series of neuro connections. Whilst other treatments will only treat targeted areas, the impact of laser photochemistry goes further to reach a wider area, as there is a cascading communication effect from one fat cell to another. Clinical trials have demonstrated the paracrine effect, whereby one side of the body was lasered, but those fat cells on the other side started to emulsify. There is a cumulative effect throughout the body so the fat acts as a whole as a healthier organ to promote weight loss and improve health.
Other body contouring technologies only treat targeted fat cells in isolation whilst Verju treats the fat cells as part of a bigger endocrine system.
Important Facts to Note:
Leaner fat cells are now permeable once again, not stuffed together like compacted lard, so when the body needs to access free fatty acids and glycerol for energy it can, as now the transfer from the fat cells is restored. Previously the body struggled to reach the stored triglycerides so there would be a natural propensity to crave sugary foods and carbohydrates, and have toxic headaches and feel generally lethargic. This new healthier status quo will be long lasting, so weight will continue to drop off or stabilise with healthy eating habits.
Another very important fact to appreciate about body contouring is when fat cells are damaged or permanently removed, body shape or cellulite can in the long run be potentially worse in appearance, as when weight is gained it will get stored elsewhere, causing irregularities. Statistics show that within the first year, the fat cells will regenerate or grow larger in new areas of your body, such as the arms and back, to compensate for what was taken. Fat will then start to regenerate in the treated areas within 4-5 years. The latest research shows these fat cells can multiply up to 300 billion times, shattering the previous notion that fat cells could only grow larger. Verjú does not harm fat cells so this risk is minimised.
Is a Verju treatment dangerous?
The process of biomodulation releasing triglycerides from fat cells into the blood stream is safe. It does not dangerously raise blood lipid levels or overload the liver. This has been clinically proven with patients having blood tests after being treated with Verju. The amount of triglycerides released from a fat cell is actually quite small in volume, being approximately less than 20% in weight of the fat cell. It also seeps out slowly over a period of 72 hours until the cell's transitory pore closes up. An Erchonia Serum Chemistry 2010 Safety Study concluded "no elevation in serum lipid chemistry".The post-procedure mmol/L elevation was miniscule. The photochemical response stimulated at a cellular level by the light energy is akin to taking a drug like a statin. There is ongoing research that demonstrates the process of cholesteralgenesis is inhibited.
It is important to note that patient selection is key to deciding on a treatment programme. An individual who has a metabolic disorder will obviously find it harder to process the released triglycerides. A thorough consultation process is essential.
The depth of absorption and penetration of the 532nm wavelength
Many other body contouring device manufacturers dispute that a 532nm low level wavelength is powerful enough to be penetrate and be absorbed into subcutaneous adipoctes to effect a change? This is simply not true. It is really important to know that a 532nm wavelength is readily absorbed into a cell to stimulate a photochemical reaction, whilst higher wavelengths above 660nm are not. They will require more power to achieve a result and consequently there is an increased risk of thermal heat being generated and adverse effects. The Verju only requires 17.5mW and 0.95 J/cm2 to initiate a transitory pore in the cell's membrane, hence it makes it so safe. The Verju can easily penetrate to a depth of 4.5cm, and a fat cell liberation can be instigated after just a mere 6 minutes!
Treatment Overview
It can now be appreciated that in comparison to other non-invasive body contouring treatments laser photochemistry has far reaching health benefits on the body. It can help to 'kick-start' weight loss programmes and improve health. Appetite is regulated, correct insulin levels and cholesterol levels are restored. The Verju can reduce visceral fat mass, and improve metabolic profiles unlike any other body contouring device. These are the effects that cannot be seen, but the ones that can are significant overall inch loss and tighter smoother skin. Laser energy has long been demonstrated to tighten up skin. Research has shown skin thickness and elasticity can be increased by up to 25% (Cellulaze). The Verjú in affect can achieve 3 things:
- Reset unhealthy fat cells to function normally for overall inch loss and improved health
- 'Kick-start' weight loss programmes by stabilising appetite
- Skin tightening and smoothing out uneven contours