What to expect from a Verju treatment
- An initial thorough consultation with a trained practitioner
- A course of 6-10 sessions is required 1 - 2 per week
- Weighed, photographed and measured
- A patient will be asked to lie down on a treatment couch in just their underwear whilst the laser diodes are carefully positioned on the areas of the body to be treated
- A laser session is 40 minutes, which is split between front and back into 20 minute sections
- The treatment is totally painless giving patients time to relax
- After the 40 minutes to help facilitate metabolism and lymphatic drainage a patient will be required to have 5-10 minutes standing on a vibration plate or lymphatic massage. Dermology can be used.
- Patients are advised to drink 8-10 cups of water to aid the detoxification process
- Advised to take moderate exercise e.g. light 20-30 minute walk or just keep active
- Avoid caffeine drinks and alcohol for minimum 4 hours and limit intake thereafter
- Keep to a healthy eating plan